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ScottClark Consultants offer consultancy and project support , drawing on wide experience of Higher Education, Further Education and the 14-19 sector. Our consultants have had successful careers as practitioners in these sectors and now combine that with a background of involvement in educational partnership working  and innovative IT projects.

The education landscape is changing rapidly, and innovative, creative partnerships across a broad range of organisations are increasingly important. Gill Scott offers a proven track record in this complex environment through her experience working in AimHigher and Lifelong Learning Networks.

Education IT projects don't always live up to expectations. The reasons can often include a 2-way lack of understanding: software developers have a limited understanding of the business they are serving and education managers may not be aware of the full range of possible technology solutions. Roger Clark can bridge this gap with a solid understanding of the business and working imperatives of the education sector as a practitioner, combined with extensive technical expertise as a software designer/developer and IT project manager.

Most of our consultancy work is through referrals from people we have met through working across education and business partnerships.

There is a link on the left to our Comprehensive Job Profile search service. A Job Profile is a description of what someone with that job does, the skills and qualifications they need, and other information such as salary levels. They are useful if you are thinking about what career you might want in the future. A number of different organisations have Job Profiles, including the government (Nextstep), Sector Skills Councils (SSCs), professional bodies and job sites. We have identified most of the sources of career/job profiles and using the link on the left you can search through our database of all UK jobs profiles including all the SSC produced profiles, Nextstep, Prospects and others. If you are interested in taking this service further please contact us.

To find out more about what we do visit our portfolio pages or contact us directly on 01457 762 227 or email gill@scottclarkconsultants.co.uk





contact: enquiries@scottclarkconsultants.co.uk